Alumni Notes


Alumni Notes are collected from media reports and submissions to the Alumni Office. Graduates and other members of the Chadron State College community are encouraged to report their news.


John Stannard ‘89 of Russell, Kan., was presented the Distinguished Service Award by the National Association of County Agricultural Agents on Aug. 11. Stannard is completing his 22nd year as an extension agent in Kansas and has been the Russell County extension agent for 15 years.

Anna Oller '96 was promoted to full professor of biology in the Department of Biology and Earth Science at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Mo.

Dave Pauli ‘00 is the new activities director at Gering High School, where he taught and coached 1994-1998. Prior to his new position, Pauli served as administrator of Lincoln Christian Academy, president of Heritage Christian Academy in Minnesota, and, most recently, executive director of Omaha Christian Academy.

Dan Hughes ‘05 has been hired as the media specialist for grades 10-12 at Logan View Public Schools at Hooper.

Amanda Wood ‘10 is the new fifth-grade teacher at Perkins County Schools at Grant.


Justin ‘00 and Linda (Sondergard) ‘01 Raymer of Hay Springs welcomed son Ashton on Aug. 2. He joins sister Alaina and brother Dilan.

Beau ‘03 and Tara (Warta) ‘03 Sheets of Riverton, Wyo., announce the birth of their daughter, Kynnedy Faith Sheets, born June 20. She was 6 pounds, 1 ounce and 18 inches long. Kynnedy is welcomed home by sister Kamdyn, 7, and brothers Ty, 6, and Clay, 4.


Stanley Anthony Serbousek ‘55, Bremerton, Wash., died Aug. 25.

Carma Berdine Weber ‘64, Scottsbluff, died Aug. 26.

Selma JKudrna ‘83, Hay Springs, died Aug. 22.

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Category: Campus News