Band concert features wide range of musicians


Student-musicians ranging from sixth grade to college will be featured during a band concert at Chadron State College on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17.

Bands from Chadron Middle School and Chadron High School will join the CSC Wind Symphony for the annual concert in Memorial Hall. The concert begins at 7 p.m. and is open to the public free of charge.

Bands from sixth grade, seventh and eighth grades, and the high school are directed by Joe Rischling, while Dr. Adam Lambert leads the Wind Symphony.

Lambert said the concert will feature many fun pieces, including one called “More Cowbell.” The song, inspired by the Saturday Night Live skit featuring Will Ferrell, will have four different cowbells at various places on the stage.

Although the concert is on St. Patrick’s Day, Lambert said the event will not follow a holiday theme.

“People are welcome to do their Irish jigs in the aisle. It certainly won’t be discouraged,” he said.

CSC student Alex Keller of Chadron will be featured on alto-saxophone during the Wind Symphony’s performance of “Ballade” by Alfred Reed. Another of the band’s highlights will be the “Moorside March” by Gustav Holst.

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News