Exhibit highlights artwork of five seniors

These five seniors will be displaying art in an exhibit in Memorial Hall.
These five seniors will be displaying art in an exhibit in Memorial Hall Nov. 28-Dec. 9. They are, front row, from left, Priscilla Sandoz, Natalie McCune and Tessa Sandford. Back row, Ember Welsch and Amy Christie. (Photo by Bethany Cook)


The artwork of five Chadron State College seniors will go on display Monday, Nov. 28, in the exhibit “I am Woman, I am an Artist.”

The five women presenting the fall 2011 thesis exhibit are Amy Christie of Casper, Wyo., Natalie McCune of Alliance, Priscilla Sandoz of Scottsbluff, Tess Sanford of Oshkosh and Ember Welsch of Lincoln.

The show will be in the main gallery of Memorial Hall through Dec. 9. A reception for the artists will be Friday, Dec. 2, from 4-6 p.m. at the exhibit. Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Christie will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Education with Field Endorsements in K-12 Art and K-12 Mild-Moderate Disabilities. She will exhibit photography, printmaking and jewelry. Christie said she tries to create pieces that will result in many different interpretations from the viewers and a memorable experience. She believes that “every piece of art has a new and different meaning to every individual who looks at it. These different opinions and interpretations are what drive her as an artist.”

McCune will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts with a Comprehensive Major in Art-Graphic Design Option. Her exhibited work includes painting, sculpture, photography, drawing and graphic design. McCune said her art “shows a reflection of her as a person -- a snapshot of her thoughts, feelings and life experiences.”

Sandoz will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts with a Comprehensive Major in Art/Art Studio Option. Her oil paintings and sculpture will be shown in this exhibit. Sandoz said she is frequently inspired by abstract shapes, lines, and color. Her work is “an evolution that can take a long time or develop quickly; a process that is always fun.”

Sanford will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Education with a Field Endorsement in Art (K-12). She will be exhibiting photography, printmaking and sculpture. Sanford’s said her work is greatly influenced by elements of her hometown and her experiences growing up there. Her art is “inspired by her surroundings and illustrates what makes home to her.”

Welsch is graduating in December with a Bachelor of Arts with a Comprehensive Major in Art-Art Studio Option. Her work includes ceramic sculpture, photography, printmaking and stained glass. She said her work is an expression of life as she sees it. Within each piece she emphasizes the simple elements that catch her eye: line, shape, and form.


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