NSCS, UNMC agreement eases transfer for public health students


The Nebraska State College System (NSCS) announced today that Chadron State, Peru State and Wayne State Colleges have entered into a student transfer agreement that will guarantee NSCS students admission to the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s College of Public Health (UNMC CoPH) graduate program in public health. This new program, Public Health Early Admission Student Track (PHEAST), targets students enrolled in their sophomore year at one of the State Colleges who meet admission require

Students chosen for the program will pay no tuition and be assigned a mentor from the UNMC CoPH while completing their undergraduate degree at Chadron, Peru or Wayne State Colleges. Eligible students must maintain a 3.3 grade point average at their undergraduate institution and have earned qualifying scores on the ACT or SAT. Students must meet additional admission requirements while earning their bachelor’s degree at one of the Nebraska State Colleges.

Once admitted at the UNMC CoPH, students can earn their masters of public health in one of several concentrations: biostatistics, community health education, environmental and occupational health, epidemiology, or public health administration.

PHEAST is the result of collaboration among the faculty and administrators of the NSCS and the UNMC College of Public Health. The agreement is similar to the long standing Rural Health Opportunity Program (RHOP) in place between the Nebraska State Colleges and UNMC. Students interested in the PHEAST program can contact the admissions offices at Chadron State, Peru State and Wayne State Colleges or the following:

Chadron State College: Jill Mack (Phone) 308-432-6278 or jmack@wxzjnt.com

Peru State College: Dr. Kyle Ryan (Phone) 402-872-2263 or kryan@peru.edu

Wayne State College: Dean of Natural and Social Science (Phone) 402-375-7030

The Nebraska State College System serves nearly 9,000 students through three geographically diverse institutions. Combined, the three Colleges offer more than 200 degree, certificate and pre-professional programs that are accessible on the campuses, via the Internet and in several locations throughout the state. With more than 250 credentialed faculty members and 50,000 successful graduates, the Nebraska State College System provides significant human and intellectual capital that contributes to the current and future strength of the State of Nebraska.

-Korinne Tande

Category: Campus News