Roofing construction sets off High Rise alarm

Firefighters move toward the Chadron State College High Rise Residence Hall to investigate the cause of an alarm in the building.
Firefighters move toward the Chadron State College High Rise Residence Hall to investigate the cause of an alarm in the building. (Photo by Daniel Binkard)


The Chadron Volunteer Fire Department and other emergency personnel responded Friday morning after smoke from roofing construction set off alarms Chadron State College’s High Rise Residence Hall.

Firefighters responded to the call shortly before 9 a.m. and discovered that the smoke, originating from the cutting of concrete at the top of the building, had entered an air intake fixture on the roof.

Dr. Randy Rhine, CSC vice president for enrollment management and student services, said the fire sprinklers were not activated and no serious damage resulted from the incident, but noted that the smoke caused a strong odor throughout the building. The building’s residents were allowed back inside at about 9:30 a.m.

“Although this was a disruption for the building’s residents, we were glad to find that this alarm was not set off by an accidental fire,” Rhine said. “It’s nice to know that our systems work as they should. We at CSC are grateful to the CSC Police Department and Chadron Fire Department for such a quick response.”


-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News