Students raise big money for foundation

Student callers of the Chadron State Foundation Phonathon gather with Dr. Janie Park, CSC president.
Student callers of the Chadron State Foundation Phonathon gather with Dr. Janie Park, CSC president, to show how much money was raised this year during the annual effort. (Photo by Justin Haag)


Students at Chadron State College took to the phones to generate thousands of dollars for the Chadron State Foundation during the past month.

For the foundation’s annual Phonathon Jan. 30-Feb. 17, 35 CSC students raised $164,005 by calling alumni, parents of students and other friends of the institution. The money will be used by the foundation to provide campus support and assist the Vision 2011 comprehensive fund-raising campaign.

The students joined foundation employees in the Student Center on Thursday, Feb. 24, to celebrate the effort’s success. Special recognition was given to callers who raised the most money. The honors went to Lauren Yoder of Colorado Springs, Cody Wilson of Scottsbluff and Jessica Carter of Lodi, Calif.

The total amount is expected to grow as those who weren’t reached by phone will be given an opportunity to donate by mail.

Karen Pope, CSC director of alumni and annual giving, said the funds will help the institution reach its potential, and that the donors and callers deserve gratitude.

“Thanks to all who answered the call to support Chadron State College during our centennial year,” Pope said. “The students enjoyed the conversations, advice and experiences people shared with them. These students are great ambassadors for CSC and we appreciate all their hard work over the past month.”

-Justin Haag

Category: Campus News